A monster haunts
Stranger 3
What a completely not suspicious at all game. Thank you for reading! See you next week.
A comic about a kid with bad luck named Billy
A monster haunts
What a completely not suspicious at all game. Thank you for reading! See you next week.
The adventure continues, the other page just like last week will be posted later. Thank you for reading!
And here’s the second page, I hope you enjoyed them, thank you for reading! See you next week
Yes Billy, protect Mr. Monster. By the way, starting today I will no longer write the text by hand and instead will use a font, what do you think about it? better? worse? are you glad that you finally understand what is written on the comic? Don’t forget that there is going to be another… Continue reading Stranger 6
Wow, what a nice card… Thank you for reading! Tune in next friday for the conclusion of “Stranger”
Whaaat?! Monster knows Emeich?! GASP Don’t forget to read the conclusion of “Stranger” coming up later today.
WHOAH! So here ends “Stranger” I hope you liked it! See you next week for two new pages AND October’s wallpaper, yaaay. (also maybe… another surprise?!) Thank you for reading!
Maybe if you were a bit cooler you could see something in there Billy. Tune in later today for the second page and for the new wallpaper! Thank you for reading
BoooooOooOoOo Don’t forget to check out the new wallpaper on the wallpaper section. Also remember how I told you there would be a surprise last week? Well… it is not ready yet, but maybe next week it will be! So, stay tuned. Thank you for reading!
tsk tsk tsk, telling lies Billy? Tune in later today for the next page AND a secret surprise, ooooh I wonder what it is